When you register with the Practice you will automatically be asked if you want access to book appointments, order repeat prescriptions and have access to your medical records on-line . You will need to complete a form and provide proof of identity to be able to do this.
Access to your full medical record
If you are 16 years or over and wish to have access to your full medical record, please inform Reception of this. Your request may take up to a month to process. Please note that there may be some occasions where full access won’t be granted – if this applies to you, we will contact you directly.
Patients under 12
Patients under the age of 12 may have access granted to their parents/guardians upon request but access to full medical records will be removed when the patient reaches the age of 12. Access to full medical records for patients between the ages of 12 and 15 will only be granted to the patient if the Practice considers them to be Gillick competent (this is based on guidance from the Royal College of Practitioners).
If you are already a patient at the surgery and would like access to the on-line services the same process will apply.
Please see the ‘It’s Your Choice‘ leaflet for further information.