
When death occurs

We know from experience that it is often difficult to take in information when you are distressed and we have put together this checklist to help you through the things you need to do immediately.

  1. Choose and contact a funeral director.
  2. Decide on burial and cremation.
  3. Collect medical certificate of cause of death from the surgery, telephone to find out when it will be available. Occasionally, if the death was unexpected, or the deceased had not been seen by a doctor recently, the death certificate cannot be issued immediately. The coroner will then keep you informed of what needs to be done.
  4. Register the death at the Civic Centre, Regent Street, Gateshead, Tel no: 0191 4333000 (main switchboard) to book an appointment. You will be advised what documentation to take with  you.

a) The Medical Certificate of the cause if death (unless the death has been referred to the coroner)
b) The deceased’s medical card and birth Certificate if possible. If unable to obtain these then the deceased date of birth and place of birth must be given.

The registrar will provide:

a) A green form for you to take to the Funeral Director.
b) A white form BD8 to send to the DSS along with any pension or Income Support Books.
c) Optional: it may be advisable to get some copies of the death certificate for insurance and probate purposes.

DSS Matters

Do not cash any DSS pensions or benefits after death. Any money due will automatically be paid out to the next of kin by the DSS when they receive the white completed form BD8, which you will receive from the registrar.

Nursing Home Allowance

If the patient had applied for or was in receipt of nursing home allowance, please return any income support books to the patient’s local DSS office, the address of which will be inside the front cover of the books. The DSS office will calculate the balance and normally sends it to the next of kin.

Help with Funeral Expenses

If you have difficulty with the funeral expenses, you may be able to get help from the social fund if you are in receipt of income support, family credit or housing benefit.

Form FB29 gives information about this and form SF200 is required for a claim.





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